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2018 Alan Tennant CREB chat

Jan 28, 2020

Hey, how are we doing?

I know you’re busy and doing a survey might be the last thing on your mind. However, if you want to encourage change and put your opinion on the record, this is your opportunity. 

Every two or three years, we do a full survey of our membership to gauge your level of satisfaction with our services, products and programming. This year we’ve had an okay response to our survey, but ‘okay’ isn’t good enough for us so we have extended the deadline. The survey, which was sent to your CREB® affiliated email, is your chance to tell us what you think. And, an added incentive, those who complete the survey will be entered in a draw for one of the more than 500 prizes.

I promise you that we pour over the results. Of course, by ‘we’ I mean both the board of directors and staff. So bring on the feedback and be accountable for getting the most out of your membership. We can’t meet your needs if we don’t have enough responses to work from.

Thinking about surveys reminded me of how much importance I put on client and prospective client surveys when I was a practicing REALTOR®. Many, many years ago I adopted the practice of sending out surveys with a self-addressed envelope (ask your parents if that puzzles you), and I adjusted my business based on what I learned.

One day, I had the bright idea to include a survey in my buyer’s package, so the clients that I drove around (ask the old guy in your office) could give me feedback on how well I did selecting homes for them to view, the pace of our showings and even what they thought of my driving.

Yep, I took a big breath when the results came in and I learned that my clients thought my driving was fine. A few people even commented that they appreciated being asked.

I also received a glowing compliment on my ability to talk, look at my phone, enter the CBS code (call before showing – ask your broker) and balance a map book on my lap (ask your grandparents). While this may have seemed like a compliment, I realized the underlying message was that I needed to multitask a bit less…and I did!

Please, take the time to tell us how we’re doing…we don’t want to drive off the road with you screaming from the back seat!


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