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Jan 21, 2020

Not just a REALTOR®


You are not just a REALTOR®. This is my 2020 message to members that I shared at this year’s Forecast. If you missed the event, you can read my poem right here on CREB®Talk. 

Not just a REALTOR®

You got into the business with the best of intentions,

But there may have been a few things your broker forgot to mention.


When the market was up and properties were flying,

Your numbers were great, and you weren’t even trying!


Every listing you took sold in a flash,

Forget staging and door knocking, because this market would last!


The best digs you did own, everyone looked at what you were wearing,

You did this all with a smile, not even swearing!


But then inventory levels started rising and nothing would sell,

I’ll just hold it all together, I’m sure you can’t tell.


Four long years later actually, now five,

How’s it been going? How have you survived?


For prices are falling without end in site,

Just waiting for that next commission, not everything is right.


Then of course, the lease comes due on your white SUV,

Images of living back at home fill your head, back with your family.


CRA eventually comes calling looking for that famed mileage log,

I’ll make something up quick, cause I swear I’ve been working like a dog.


And everyone said, “but you’re just a Realtor, it must be so nice,”  

To sit at home in your pajamas, that would sure be alright.


But there’s a secret in here that not everyone knows, You’re not just a Realtor, not even close!


In fact, you make this business look just so good,

Even your clients from oil and gas get their license and start workin’ your hood!


“I’ve always wanted to try real estate,” they say, “you make it look so easy,”

“With everything else going on, I need something fast and breezy!”


You’re a home stylist, a therapist and yes, sometimes taxi driver,

An entrepreneur, home flipper, what could be the matter?


A shoulder to cry on when stuff hits the fan,

A stern businessperson, a planner and sometimes even the mail man.


A tie breaker, risk taker, your own accountant and more,

Can someone please remind me what I got into this business for?


A jack of all trades you’re expected to be,   

But it all comes with a cost – nothing is for free!


You finally get a listing but it’s way too overpriced,

Let’s just spend our money on marketing, you know instead of getting it right!


And now our clients are really hurting, there’s nothing left of the glue,

My alcohol consumption has gone up, and I’m sure yours has too.


So here we’re left standing at the end of a long recession,

With even longer credit lines and maybe one or two indiscretions.


Stop watching YouTube and losing your life to cute cat videos,

It’s not gonna help you get that business plan done not even close.


So get your act together and put on a nice blouse,

Try something new or even sit an open house!


For you’re not just a Realtor, nor expected to be,

So in 2020 here’s your new mantra: I’m gonna start working on me!


Sarah Johnston

2020 CREB® Chair


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