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Jan 21, 2020

We're painting the building pink!


Okay not really, but decisions like that are why we want your feedback!

So please complete CREB®’s member satisfaction survey and tell us if we are meeting your needs and how we can improve your experience with us.

Those who haven’t yet completed the survey will receive a reminder email from Framework Partners today. If you didn’t receive the survey, please email or

As an added incentive, those who complete the survey in full will be entered to win over 500 prizes*, including an iPhone 11 Pro Max and a $350 WestJet Travel Voucher. Click here for the full list of prizes.

The deadline to complete the survey and be eligible for the prize draw is Jan. 24, 2020.

*In keeping with our strategic priority to drive responsible cost management, all prizes not provided directly by CREB® are sourced through our AVION relationship.


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