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Agent Tools

Jul 7, 2020

Agent efficiency tools


The agent tools you’ve come to know and love will be available through Pillar 9™, starting July 8.


Introducing REMapList™ - where CREB® members can access the information they once did through CREB®Maps.

REMapList is an intuitive mapping tool uniquely designed for REALTORS®. The tool uses data from the Matrix MLS® System, as well as third-party data sources (such as Google), to provide members with a dynamic mapping experience.

The full report style will delve into more information on the property, including nearby services and amenities, a broader description of tax assessments, MLS® System history, land titles, and much more. Full printing capabilities across both mapping and reporting styles is included.

Members can launch REMapList™ through the Pillar 9™ dashboard starting July 8. For more information on REMapList™, visit the Pillar 9™ website.

Prospects CRM

Prospects CRM provides you with all the tools you need to succeed and thrive in a highly competitive market. Manage your contacts and your everyday business better than ever with this powerful CRM that’s designed for real estate professionals. 

Members can launch Prospects CRM through the Pillar 9™ dashboard. For more information on Prospects CRM, including how-to guides and training webinars, visit the Pillar 9™ website.

Prospects Mobile

The Prospects Mobile app works hand in hand with the Matrix MLS® System and Prospects CRM. Contacts, saved searches and your clients possibilities are all synced together.

Advanced features such as live market stats and instant comparables help agents close more deals when they are away from their computer and office.

For more information on Prospects Mobile, including how to download the app, user guides and training webinars, visit the Pillar 9™ website.


Access on-demand, step-by-step tech support directly in the Pillar 9™ MLS® System with the WalkMe browser extension.

WalkMe is an automated trainer built to predict your intentions and enhance your experience with the MLS® System. With WalkMe, users are empowered to learn on their own, reducing the time it takes to successfully navigate Matrix. More detail can be found in this week’s CREB®Talk article for WalkMe learners.

Otherwise, for more information, including how to download the WalkMe browser extension, visit the Pillar 9™ website.


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