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RESO Gold Standards

Jul 7, 2020

Going for gold


You’ve got high standards, and so do we. That’s why the Pillar 9™ MLS® System data fields were built based on the Real Estate Standards Organization (RESO) Gold Standards.

The Pillar 9™ MLS® System has set data fields that are the same for all users across the province. This ensures that all boards and agents have a consistent data system that reflect industry best practice and the RESO Gold Standards.

CREB® members can expect some changes to the data fields and names that are available in the new system based on these standards. Rest assured, these changes help increase our industry bench strength.

For a full system review of changes, register for Pillar 9™ training or watch a pre-recorded session.

About RESO

RESO creates open standards that drive innovation in real estate technology. RESO’s member organizations collaboratively develop and implement these standards to create efficiency: faster software development and integrations, scalable tools that cross marketplaces, and more accurate, robust, and informative data.

Open standards organizations, like RESO, exist in most industries to ensure technology advancement. In real estate, RESO’s standards are created to promote a smooth interaction and user experience between MLS® System, broker, agent, and consumer technology tools.

For more information on RESO, click here.


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