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Jul 28, 2020

Lobbybox access


Now that CREB® has migrated to Pillar 9™, CREB® members can share lobbybox access with other Alberta REALTORS® using one-day codes.

The CREB® Lobbybox program places a centralized lockbox for apartment style condominiums in a discreet but safe place.

How to get a one-day code:

  1. Fill out the Lobbybox Access Form on CREB®Link.
  2. Email the completed form to
  3. Help Desk will generate a one-day code and email it to you and the showing REALTOR®.

Please remind the showing REALTOR® to close the box while they are in the building. As a courtesy to your peers, you may want to encourage the practice of leaving a business card in the box while showing the unit, so others know the fob is in use and not missing.

For more information, visit the CREB® Lobbybox Program page on CREB®Link.


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