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Jul 7, 2020

Muscle up with Matrix™ training


Get ready to flex your Matrix™ muscles – register to attend virtual, instructor-led training on the Pillar 9™ MLS® System.

The virtual training is designed to familiarize you with the Pillar 9 Matrix MLS® System and Listing Input tool to support your migration to the new system. It highlights the key areas that have changed, reviews areas you should update and describes any new processes you’ll need to use as you navigate the system.

The course also provides a more in-depth look into both the search function and the new Listing Input Tool to ensure you have the knowledge you need to use the system quickly and easily.

Upon course completion, the student will be able to:

  • Confidently navigate the Pillar 9 Matrix MLS® System.
  • Describe how to update key areas such as My Information and Display Settings.
  • Comfortably use key functions like searching and auto email configuration.
  • Proficiently use the new Listing Input Tool.

All sessions are two hours in length.

Register for an upcoming training session or watch a pre-recorded training session.

If you have questions about training, please contact


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