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Jul 7, 2020

Pillar 9™ launches tomorrow (July 8)


The wait is almost over – Pillar 9™’s MLS® System launches for CREB® members tomorrow – Wednesday, July 8 at 10 a.m.

Access the new Pillar 9™ Matrix™

If you haven’t already logged into the Pillar 9™ website, follow the below steps to access the new Matrix™ MLS® System:

  1. Visit
  2. Click the “member login” button in the top right corner
  3. Enter the username you use to access your board’s MLS® System
  4. Enter the password: Pillar9!
  5. Set your new Pillar 9™ password as prompted (this can be the same password you currently use for your CREB® login)
  6. Once logged in, click on the Matrix™ button in the top left of the dashboard to access the MLS® System

If you have previously set your Pillar 9™ password, skip steps 4 & 5 and simply enter your existing password.

Tech Tip: CREB® members will have two passwords until July 8:

  1. Your Pillar 9™ password will only be used to access Pillar 9™ services.
  2. Your current CREB® password will be used everywhere else.

As of July 8, your Pillar 9™ password will become your primary password and used across all platforms, including CREB®Link, and your old CREB® password will no longer exist.

Getting started in the new MLS® System

To ensure a smooth user experience, we encourage members to:

Please note, CREB® members will have read-only access to their old MLS® System until Friday, July 31, 2020.

If you have any questions, please contact 1-866-377-8217 or


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