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Re-opening our doors safely

Jul 14, 2020

Re-opening our doors safely


On July 3, we shared a brief timeline of what re-entry at the CREB® building will look like. This week, we have more details to share that will inform our staff and members about how they can make our building re-entry safe and successful.

Our working group of staff volunteers are helping to drive the planning process, alongside organizational leaders, to ensure all aspects of health and safety are factored into our re-opening.

Our internal plan is robust, but here’s a high-level look at CREB®’s sequence for re-entry:

Phase 1 - July 15

  • Members no longer require an appointment to visit the Member Services Centre.
  • Key Member Support staff and some of the leadership team working in the building.

Phase 2 - No sooner than Sept. 1

  • First wave of employees return to the workplace.
  • Easing of building access restrictions based on then current public health measures.

Phase 3 - TBD (contingent on the Government of Alberta's relaunch strategy)

  • Final wave of employees return to the workplace.
  • Continued easing of building access restrictions based on then current public health measures.

As we prepare to welcome members and staff back to the building beginning July 15, we have implemented a COVID-19 policy for our staff to follow.

In addition, we ask CREB® members to align with our collective effort to follow the rules of the road to protect the health and safety of everyone in the building.

Here are some basic expectations for everyone to understand and follow:

  • All members and employees will be asked to complete a self-screening questionnaire before entering the building.
  • Access to CREB® will not be permitted if you are exhibiting symptoms of illness.
  • With the exception of the main entry, all exterior doors will remain locked as well as access doors to various departments within the building. Members are asked to use the main entrance only.
  • Members no longer require an appointment to visit the Member Services Centre.
  • The building (main entrance) will re-open in a controlled manner allowing strictly managed member access to the Member Services Centre only.
  • Access to all other areas of the building, including washrooms, will be restricted. Our washrooms unfortunately have to be closed to members and the public for the time being.
  • Traffic flow to the Member Services Centre will be strictly managed to maintain appropriate physical distancing protocols with a guided walkway that uses directional signage and floor decals.
  • Loitering is not encouraged or allowed. All tables and chairs will be removed from the atrium.
  • Plexiglass barriers will be installed at the Member Services Centre.
  • Masks and gloves will continue to be made available for staff and members in the building.
  • Avoid touching your face (specifically your eyes, nose, and mouth) as much as possible.
  • Cover your mouth when coughing, sneezing, and yawning by doing so into the bend of your arm, not your hand.
  • Avoid touching surfaces people touch often.
  • Instead of a handshake, give a friendly wave or elbow bump.
  • Should a member who has attended the building contract COVID-19, they must notify the HR & Facilities Manager at 403-781-1330 or as soon as possible to ensure appropriate sanitization measures are performed.

Given the fluidity of the situation, these details are subject to change based on the current public health guidance, with a reassessment of policies and activities as we approach September.

For more information about COVID-19, please visit the COVID-19 hub on CREB®Link.


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