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Tech Tips

Jul 7, 2020



In the lead up to CREB®'s migration to Pillar 9™, we provided a series of tech tips for our members, so that everyone was ready to transition to the new MLS® System.

Check out the final 3 tech tips below to learn more about the Pillar 9™ Matrix™ System. 

Tech Tip 20: Managing contacts

Is your virtual rolodex up to date?

Your contacts will be converted to the new system, but members can update their contacts in the existing MLS® System so the changes are carried over to the Pillar 9™ system at migration.

If you do not update your contacts prior to migration, they will transfer as is to the new system. Either way, all of your contacts will migrate during the cut-over period.

To learn more about how to review and update your contacts, please refer to page five in CREB®’s Pillar 9™ Welcome Package.

Tech Tip 21: Saved searches

Spring cleaning isn’t limited to your home.

Your saved searches will migrate to the new MLS® System, but it’s important to check they are properly set up. We encourage members to:

  1. Review your saved searches and update their criteria.
  2. Assign contacts to a saved search if desired.
  3. Make saved searches a favourite on your home page if desired.

To learn how to complete these steps, please refer to page six in CREB®’s Pillar 9™ Welcome Package.

Tech Tip 22: Auto emails

Your Auto-Emails will be imported to the new MLS® System as Saved Searches but will need to be manually re-activated post-migration. It’s important for members to complete this step on or after July 8 so that auto-emails are not double sent to clients.

To learn how to re-activate your auto-emails, please refer to page nine in CREB®’s Pillar 9™ Welcome Package.

To access more information on migration, download CREB®’s Pillar 9™ Welcome Package.

For everything else, please refer to the Pillar 9™ hub on CREB®Link.


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