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CREB building

Jun 16, 2020

CREB® re-entry planning


As Alberta continues to move through stage two of its relaunch plan, CREB® is preparing to facilitate building re-entry on a larger scale.

In line with the sentiment of public health officials, this recovery needs to happen at the right pace and with the right amount of thoughtfulness to ensure we can protect the health and safety of our staff and members – CREB®’s number one priority.

All aspects of social distancing, personal screening and basic standards for maintaining facility hygiene are being factored into our re-entry planning efforts.

As we move toward this next phase, please know that CREB®’s basic expectations will be the same for visitors to the building as they are for staff. We’re all working together in this situation to protect each other and our success relies on a shared commitment to public health practices, and to following the rules of the road collectively.

We are committed to sharing CREB®’s re-entry plan with our staff team no later than July 3 and will subsequently move to deploy the sequence for implementation with members thereafter. 

In the meantime, if you need to see us for something that cannot be done remotely, we are happy to help by appointment only, from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday to Friday. To set something up, please call the Member Support Centre (MSC) at 403-781-5454.

For more information about COVID-19, please visit the hub on CREB®Link.


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