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business mechanics

Jun 23, 2020

Shift gears with business mechanics


What’s in your future? More of the same or running a successful real estate business? If you want to learn the basic mechanics of business leadership, we have the program for you!

This six-part monthly webinar series is presented by Pete Baran, business mechanic, coach and consultant to CEO’s.

Pete has hands-on experience as VP of a multi-billion-dollar tech company, start-up CEO of a successful B2B business, chief program management officer, corporate turnaround COO, leadership trainer for CREB® and advisor to many Canadian and local Calgary organizations.

Check out our upcoming business mechanics sessions and claim your spot.

Steering, Strategy, Vision and Planning

Date: Wednesday, July 15

Time: 10 a.m. to 11 a.m.

Do you have a plan for your business? If you don’t, grab the steering wheel, you may end up in the ditch! Come attend a 1-hour seminar to understand the difference between sales goals and business goals to build a game plan that will take you to the next level.

In this session, you will learn:

  • Why you need a vision and plan for your business, not just sales goals;
  • How to build a strategy for your business and why you need one; and
  • What are the key pieces of any successful business plan and why.

Those who attend this session will be able to access a recording of the webinar for one week following the live stream.


Moving Parts and Business Systems

Date: Wednesday, Aug. 12

Time: 10 a.m. to 11 a.m.

If you feel like your business is just not running right, maybe it needs a tune-up. Your systems are a key part of your business engine. This 1-hour seminar will teach you to look at your business as a piece of machinery instead of an abstract painting project!

In this session, you will learn:

  • Why you should stop thinking of real estate as a job;
  • How to identify the key parts of your business that need a system; and
  • What to do to make your systems work for you, not interfere with you.

Those who attend this session will be able to access a recording of the webinar for one week following the live stream.


Dashboards, Windshields and Mirrors

Date: Wednesday, Sept. 16

Time: 10 a.m. to 11 a.m.

Knowing where you are helps you stay on course. Do you know how to find your business dashboard, windshield, and mirrors? Come find out how to turn everyday information in your business into actionable information. We’ll show you how to read your financial statements, produce budgets and forecast your business.

In this session, you will learn:

  • Why you need to know more than your number of listings and your commission statements;
  • How to find and understand the information around you; and
  • What you can do to improve what you know about your business quickly.

Those who attend this session will be able to access a recording of the webinar for one week following the live stream.


You will be provided a link to access this webinar session in your registration and reminder emails.

These webinars are $9.95 for CREB® members and $29.95 for non-members.

For more information on upcoming webinars, please contact


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