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Survey results

Jun 2, 2020

Member survey update


At the start of 2020, many of our members invested their valuable time to participate in our member satisfaction survey to provide their feedback on satisfaction levels with our services, products and programming.

Although COVID-19 has spilled a bit of coffee on our plans these past few months, we continue to use your feedback to make improvements to CREB®.

Like many of you, CREB® has had to cut back on our budgets in this tough economy, but we continue to find new ways to deliver and enhance our services. Although this new environment is more challenging, CREB® remains committed to evolving and improving our services for you, our members.

We appreciate that most of you told us that overall, we were doing a good job for you and even showed improvement from prior survey results. This encourages our staff to stay on track for continuous improvement.

The survey delivered some key takeaways for us:

  • You want us to find more ways to help you build your business by being more innovative with technology, providing you with current information, industry insights, and the education you need to grow your skills and expertise.
  • You want us to embrace social media, online and text/chat communication channels as an alternative way to provide services to you. For the first time in our survey results, email stopped growing as a preferred method of communicating with you.
  • You want us to become leaner and more cost effective. This will mean changing the way we deliver some of our services and events to give you more value for less money.

CREB® has initiatives in the works for all the topics above, and this fall we will provide you with an update on what we’ve accomplished and what we are working towards.

We are proud to be a member-driven organization and, come hell, high-water or COVID-19, we will continue to work hard to raise the bar for member value.

Click here to view the 2020 Member Survey Results webinar hosted by Alec Milne, Principal of Framework Partners Inc.


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