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Pillar 9 Tech Tips

Jun 2, 2020

Pillar 9™ Tech Tips

In the lead up to CREB®’s migration to Pillar 9™, we’re providing tech tips for our members so that everyone is ready to transition to the new MLS® System.

The new Pillar 9™ platform is not vastly different from the one we use now, but change is change, and we want our members to feel ready for this new streamlined real estate experience.

Click on a tech tip topic below to learn more about the Pillar 9™ Matrix™ system. 

Tech tip 1: Matrix™ home page overview

In this tech tip, our focus is the Matrix™ home page overview. Please click here to watch the video tutorial from Pillar 9™.

Tech tip 2: Setting up your profile in Matrix™

In this tech tip, our focus is setting up your profile in Matrix™. Please click here to explore this topic in Pillar 9™'s quick reference guide.

Please note, some of your profile customization from your current MLS® System will not be transferred over at migration. To check out what customization will be available, members can watch the video tutorial on customizing your profile.

Tech tip 3: How to create new listings

In this tech tip, our focus is how to create a new listing. Please click here to watch the video tutorial from Pillar 9™.

For everything else, please refer to the Pillar 9™ hub on CREB®Link.

Keep an eye out for more tech tips posted next week in CREB®Talk.


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