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CREB events

Jun 16, 2020

Update on summer events


Every year, we look forward to bringing our members together at our summer events. However, due to COVID-19, we’ve made the difficult decision to cancel the 2020 REALTOR® Round Up and 2020 CREB® golf tournament.

The COVID-19 physical distancing restrictions and limits on group gatherings that will remain in place for the unforeseeable future do not allow us to provide the quality event experience that we want to offer. 

We are determined that when the circumstances allow, we will once again organize a fun, high-quality REALTOR® Round Up and golf tournament that our participants have come to expect. 

As we’ve seen through the years, the community support for member events is unwavering, and we have no doubt these events will return stronger than ever in 2021.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact


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