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annual dues deferred

Mar 24, 2020

Dues debrief


In light of recent dues discussion, both inside and outside CREB®, we wanted to provide you with an overview of the current status on these costs.

CREB® Annual Dues

Last week, we advised CREB® members that we will be deferring CREB® 2020 annual dues payments until May 31, and fully crediting any payments against annual dues that were previously billed to your account (less the GST portion paid).

In addition, we will be undertaking the following relaxations on our collection process:

  • Our monthly suspension process will be postponed, so members in arears aren’t suspended for nonpayment until May 31;
  • We will eliminate any additional interest or suspension charges until May 31. Our usual policy will be reinstated starting June 1, 2020;
  • Members in need are encouraged to establish an installment payment schedule using the honour system, noting that our usual late interest charges will resume and be levied starting June 1, 2020.

AREA Annual Dues

On March 20, the AREA board of directors provided the following measures to assist members in response to COVID-19:

  • Reduced annual dues by 25 per cent;
  • Deferred payment of annual dues until Aug. 1, 2020:
  • Members who have not yet paid their AREA dues - These members will see a credit on their CREB® statement for the full amount of dues already invoiced. CREB® will reinvoice the reduced dues of $281.25 + GST on AREA’s behalf in July for payment due on Aug. 1.
  • Members who have paid their AREA dues - We have been directed to send the reduced dues amount ($281.25 + GST) to AREA and apply the balance back to the member’s CREB® account. There will be no refund on amounts already paid.

CREA Annual Dues

As of today, CREA has allowed us to defer collection of their annual dues until May 31, to match CREB®’s deferred dues deadline. The amount of dues payable ($310.00 + GST) to CREA remains unchanged.

Also, please note that CREB® cannot issue a credit for any CREA dues that have already been paid.

CREB® Monthly fees and billing

CREB® will continue to bill and collect monthly access fees.

Therefore, any outstanding balances for fees are due and payable in the normal course of business.

Except for previously announced relaxations on CREB®’s collection process (as referenced above in the CREB® Annual Dues section), the regular billing cycles will continue.

If you have questions about any of the dues updates mentioned above, please don’t hesitate to reach out to


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