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2018 Alan Tennant CREB chat

Mar 24, 2020

Open house closure

REALTORS® across Alberta have been struggling with how to engage in the face-to-face elements of their business, while being responsible citizens practicing social distancing, in response to COVID-19.

After discussion with members, as well as local boards and associations, the Alberta Real Estate Association (AREA) has decided to prohibit open houses effective immediately.

Currently, it is not possible to guarantee adherence to Alberta Health recommendations or protect member and public safety in an open house setting.

This decision reinforces AREA’s previous recommendation to avoid open houses in the current climate.

 It’s a decision that will stay in place for the duration of Alberta Health social distancing recommendations to prevent unsafe pressure on our members to engage in a potentially risky practice.

Open houses will no longer be promoted or supported within the MLS® System, or by local boards and associations across Alberta.

With that said, CREB® members will not be able to promote open houses in CREB®’s MLS® System until further notice. As well, CREB®Now will be putting a halt to open house promotion in its weekly paper distribution.

REALTORS® who have contractual obligations to host open houses are asked to work on other marketing solutions with their clients.

If you do have contractual obligations to provide open houses for your client, we encourage you to obtain amendments to the listing contract.

We know this is a massive burden for members and want to urge creative thinking and innovation in this moment of uncertainty. Now is the time where your creativity skills will get put to the test, so please keep looking for new ways to unlock technology tools, such as virtual tours and videoconferencing.

AREA continues to urge caution in showing or viewing houses and recommends precautions be taken to reduce risk.

Our CREB® member practice team will also work to ensure our members have clear understanding of any compliance implications.

Stay safe, stay healthy and keep thinking outside the box. We are being put to the test, but we will rise to the challenge. 

Visit to get the latest in industry tips for working during the COVID-19 pandemic.


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