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Mar 3, 2020

Update and Enjoy


Update your SentriKey Real Estate app in order to take advantage of some great new features!

Once updated you’ll be able to access the following features as soon as you open the key compartment with your SentriKey Real Estate app:

Showing Instructions

Whether it’s “Please remove your shoes” or “The alarm code is 1234,” you now have all the homeowner and listing agent’s instructions for the showing on your phone or tablet.

Property Details

You can see exactly how many bedrooms, baths, square footage, price and other important details about the property at a glance with the app.

Manually Ending a Showing

Have you ever had homeowners wait in their vehicle – with grumpy children – while an agent is showing their home? If you’ve experienced this, you’ll appreciate the new feature that lets the showing agent manually indicate that a showing has ended. A notification is sent that can let the listing agent and homeowner know that the owner can return to the home.

My Schedule

Keep track of your showings and those of your team members with the My Schedule function.


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