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CREB building

May 19, 2020

CREB® strategy for re-entry


It's still business as unusual, but CREB® is preparing it's strategy for workforce re-entry.

Our planning aligns with the Government of Alberta's relaunch strategy, and will also very clearly outline our commitment to health and safety as the top priority—to protect members and staff alike.

While there are still a number of unknowns, we do know there are three broad stages to the provinces relaunch effort. CREB® will continue to operate remotely through stage one, with a few enhancements.

In the coming days, plexiglass sneeze/cough guards for the Member Services Centre (MSC) will be installed. Masks and gloves will continue to be made available for staff in the building as well as members who attend by appointment.

Record keeping processes for those in the building will also be bolstered to support contact tracing if the need arises. This will be our approach to operations until the province advances to stage two.

While there is no specific dates for this stage, we expect additional businesses and services to reopen and resume operations at this time.

CREB® is currently sharpening its workplan and making updates to reflect the transition that will take place in phase two, including how we support physical distancing in the building and enhance cleaning protocols with increased foot traffic.  

As we move into stage three, CREB® will have fully defined its workplan and the specifics to normalize operations more robustly.

For more information on CREB®'s response to COVID-19, please visit the hub on CREB®Link.


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