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24 hour notice

May 19, 2020

Ministerial Order re: 24 Hour Notice


Service Alberta has issued a Ministerial Order temporarily changing Section 23 of the Residential Tenancies Act, RSA 2004, c R 17.1.

The 24 Hour Notice no longer entitles someone access to the property if the following conditions apply:

  1. The tenant has notified the landlord that they are self-isolating or in quarantine as a result of COVID-19 symptoms being displayed or have tested positive to COVID-19;
  2. The tenant/prospective purchaser are self-isolating or in quarantine as a result of COVID-19 symptoms being displayed or have tested positive to COVID-19; or
  3. If the landlord is self-isolating or in quarantine as a result of COVID-19 symptoms being displayed or have tested positive to COVID-19 they cannot enter, unless under extreme circumstances.

A REALTOR® representing the landlord and/or a potential buyer, who are not in self-isolation or quarantine as a result of COVID-19 may enter the property with permission of the landlord and by following the Residential Tenancies Act.

Disclosure forms

We have COVID-19 disclosure forms for sellers, buyers, tenants, agents and contractors available on the CREB®Link COVID-19 hub.

While these forms are optional, best practice would be to ensure you have used the form or obtained written instruction from your client via alternative means, while ensuring compliance with any internal brokerage policies.

Directions from RECA

If you have a tenant occupied property, RECA directs that you must:

  • Alert the landlord to the Ministerial Order requirements
  • Determine if the tenant and or people entering the property for showings are self-isolating, or in quarantine due to symptoms consistent with COVID-19

For more information on RECA’s direction, please review their information found under the “Residential Property Manager: Discussions with Tenants” tab found here.


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