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New Listings Rules

May 26, 2020

New Listing Rules for Alberta REALTORS®


As CREB® prepares to migrate to the Pillar 9™ MLS® System, we wanted to provide an update regarding changes to the harmonized provincial rules and the optional Conditional Sale Disclosure Instruction form that will be available to members as part of the transition.

Provincial rule changes

One of the biggest changes provincially is that MLS® System listing statuses will be the same for all Alberta members to ensure a seamless flow of listing data across boards.

This means you may experience changes with how to report a conditional or pending sale in the system, as listings in Pending status will not be marketed on third-party websites like

Should the seller wish to continue marketing their conditionally sold property on, the listing will remain in Active status, with the seller providing disclosure instructions regarding the status of the property:

  • Disclose the existence of the conditional offer if specifically asked.
  • Disclose the existence of the conditional offer when a showing is requested.
  • Disclose the existence of the conditional offer in the REALTOR® Remarks on the Pillar 9 MLS® System.
  • Not disclose the existence of the offer (“The seller has instructed me to not answer that question.”).

The new rules provide the most options to sellers and ensure provincial MLS® System reporting practices are in alignment with the regulator. A document highlighting all rule changes is available here.

Conditional Sale Disclosure Form

To help you adapt to this change, a Conditional Sale Disclosure Instruction form is available to guide you through the options for reporting conditional sales in Active status and to prompt informed conversations with your clients. The form is also available on AREA’s website, WEBForms, and will be available soon on Repree and DealSimple.

The form is not mandatory for use. Please speak with your broker as they will determine documentation procedures for their brokerage to capture the seller’s instructions in writing (AREA form, email, text, etc.).

Please note, CREB® members are still required to use the CREB® Conditional Sale Disclosure form until CREB® migrates to the Pillar 9™ MLS® System on June 16, 2020.

Under Contract listings

Please note that listings marked as Under Contract at the time of migration to the Pillar 9™ MLS® System will be marked as Active when they migrate. 

Since Under Contract will not be a selectable option, CREB® members must discuss with their clients whether they would prefer their listing to remain marked as Active in the new system or updated to Pending. This instruction from your client should be in writing or documented in the new Conditional Sale Disclosure form.

Additional support

To further support you, the Pillar 9™ MLS® System training will address these changes to system statuses, with emphasis on Pending and Active listings

If you have any questions regarding MLS® System listings and rules, pre or post-migration to Pillar 9™, please contact


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