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Alan's CREB® Chat

May 12, 2020

Responding to COVID-19

In the April 7 CREB® Chat article entitled ‘Low-touch real estate is here’, I wrote about the impact of  COVID-19 on the real estate practice and how we were working hard to support your business by updating rules and process infrastructure.

Our pledge continues to make a difference and jump on every opportunity or challenge to protect and enhance your business. We’ve created and taken many advocacy opportunities on your behalf and will continue to do so as governments develop economic restart policy.

To support your entry into the world of being a “low-touch REALTOR®”, we’ve taken the initiative and welcomed your input, which has already resulted in some updated rules. We’ve also adjusted some of our processes and continue to work hard to keep you informed about ongoing government announcements that impact your life and business.

On the operational side, through a combination of lay-offs, work sharing, retirements and organization-wide hiring freeze, we have reduced our staff by 28 per cent since this started.

These decisions were difficult because they involved great people, and our people are the key to our success in all aspects of what we do – whether operating remotely or at our normal office headquarters. CREB® is not immune to the current economic pain all around us and we will continue to monitor our situation closely and take-action as needed.

Rest assured—we are confident in our ability to continue to deliver on our members’ needs to the level that you have come to expect.

This expectation extends to prudent fiscal management, which is why we are also in the midst of preparing a restated budget (our third one this year) to present to the board of directors as they continue to conscientiously steward our organization with effective oversight.

We will also continue to work tirelessly to ensure we contribute value to your business—that will not change, nor will our willingness to listen and funnel member feedback into our decision-making process.

Again, if anyone would like to talk – please don’t hesitate to call or text me. My cell number is 403-461-2987.

Each day we move one day closer to this being over, so let’s keep pushing the positive.

Let’s do something for someone to help them through today.


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