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Pillar 9 website

May 19, 2020

Surf with Pillar 9™


Jump on the wave of the future and visit the new Pillar 9™ website – available today.

CREB® members won’t migrate until June 15-16, but that shouldn’t stop anyone from dropping in to check out our new streamlined technology experience for REALTORS®.

With Pillar 9™, CREB® members will have access to provincewide data to better serve clients, access to new products and services, stronger data protection and control, plus the ability to conduct business on one MLS® System anywhere in Alberta.

Steps to login:

  1. Visit
  2. Click the “member login” button in the top right corner
  3. Enter the username you use to access your board’s MLS® System
  4. Enter the password: Pillar9!
  5. Set your new Pillar 9™ password as prompted
  6. Explore the new site!

As you take this maiden voyage, we think you’ll find lots of consistency with the current framework for services and structure. In fact, as we’ve said in previous messages, Pillar 9™'s MLS® System is based on an upgraded version of Matrix™, so expect the same experience but better.

Specific training for CREB® members isn’t available just yet, but you can cruise through the training supplements, review resources and video tutorials to maximize your preparation for cutover.

Otherwise, to get the latest on all things Pillar 9™, please visit the hub on CREB®Link.  And, be sure to review the Pillar 9™ announcements sharing migration timeline updates and the launch of their website.


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