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Annual Dues

May 26, 2020

Final days for dues


CREB® and CREA’s revised annual dues are to be paid by Sunday, May 31.

To have your dues received by Sunday, May 31 we recommend you make your payment before Friday, May 29. Post-dated cheques or online CREB®Link payments are not affected and will be accepted until May 31.

AREA’s revised annual dues are to be paid by Saturday, Aug. 1.

There are several payment options available to members, including through auto-pay, online or in person by appointment at CREB®.

For more information on the 2020 annual dues structure, visit CREB®Link.

Click here to view your member statements.

Consequence of non-payment

Please note non-payment affects your membership and access to the MLS® System.

If payment is not received by the deadline, a $50 fine is levied, and your board services will be suspended. Further to suspension, if payment is not received by June 15, your membership will be terminated. There is a $300 re-entry free for members who terminate and then rejoin the board.

If you have additional questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to


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