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May 12, 2020

Upcoming webinars for you


CREB® members have access to free professional development webinars. Check out our upcoming sessions and claim your spot.

Permits for Home Projects

Date: Thursday, May 21

Time: 1 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.

Presented By: Taylor Connors & Jamie Fandrich

This presentation is designed to help you have a greater understanding of common hurdles that can arise when selling a residential property.

Key takeaways:

  • Why it’s important to apply for a certificate of compliance early.
  • When permits are required for residential improvements.
  • Awareness of potential hurdles with permits and certificates of compliance when selling a residential property.


2019 CREB® Member Survey Results

Date: Tuesday, May 26

Time: 1 p.m. to 2 p.m.

Presented By: Alec Milne

Join Alec Milne from Framework Partners, as he presents the findings from the 2019 CREB® member engagement survey.

Key findings:

  • Satisfaction. This section provides an understanding of the satisfaction drivers and sub-drivers of members regarding the CREB®’s product and service offerings, member communications, member services, in addition to its performance in other specific areas.
  • Awareness & perception. This section describes key learning with respect to the members’ perceptions of CREB® overall and its product and service offerings and evaluate these against competitive offerings, where applicable.
  • Needs & expectations. This section describes the existing needs and expectations of the member base with respect to CREB®’s product.


Introduction to Business Mechanics

Date: Wednesday June 10

Time: 10 a.m. to 11 a.m.

Presented By: Pete Baran

Get a free sneak peak into a different way of looking at your business from one of the top small business consultants in Calgary.

Do you want to just do more deals? Or do you want to do more deals and build a solid business with a steady income stream? Do you want to know what you’ve been missing?

Come find out about CREB®’s new Business Mechanics online workshop program hosted by Pete Baran, founder of Blueneck Consulting. Attend a free 50 minute interactive webinar followed by an online Q&A where you can bring your business questions and discover a whole new way to be a REALTOR®!

Key takeaways:

  • Why selling isn’t everything.
  • How to stop paying for motivation.
  • Creating an income stream instead of just deals.


You will be provided a link to access this webinar session in your registration and reminder emails. These webinars are complimentary for CREB® members.

For more information on upcoming webinars, please contact


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Do you know any local charities or non-profits who can benefit from the $590,000 in grants that the CREB® REALTOR® Community Foundation is awarding this year?

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