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Owl thank you

Nov 10, 2020

You made it a success


Thank you to all the night owls who were all hands on deck volunteering at this year’s CREB® REALTOR® Community Foundation Casino!

We know that during these unprecedented times it can be daunting to step outside of our bubble and we really appreciate the dedication and support we have received from our volunteer members. The Casino is an integral fundraising event that raises much needed funds for local organisations.

We could not have done it without you!

Three hoots go to:

• Diane Payne              • Wayne Watson                • Lisa Tomalin Reeves
• Lisa Turcotte • Jeff Gilchrist • Allison IsBell
• Val Laferriere • Catherine Chow • Marc Anderson
• Dennis Paulin • Sharon Bercuson • Alan Tennant
• Dave Nicolson • Ian Jones • Trevor Moses
• Laura Christie • Hong Wang  

A special thank you goes to Murray Scotton, who worked both days and acted as Casino Chair Extraordinaire this year!

Thank you owl


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