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Alan's CREB® Chat

Oct 27, 2020

Meetups in our new world


During the pandemic I’ve posted some CREB®Chat articles specifically on how you and your team at CREB® are adapting to a low-touch environment. We've come a long way since March. 

As you know, we’ve made several adjustments to the way we do business and the CREB® 2021 Forecast was one of those things we had to reimagine in this new world.

With continued limits on large gatherings, we are not able to move ahead with an in-person event in January. We wish we were able to host in-person events, but in order to comply with current AHS guidelines and ensure the safety of members and staff, it’s just not possible – for who knows how much longer!

It’s still more important than ever for real estate professionals to connect and prepare for the future and we recognize the importance of our annual Forecast event – the show must go on!

One of the realities of major events is that they need to be planned many, many months in advance. We would’ve reached the point of no return with our Forecast event months ago, but we got out ahead of that challenge and researched what options we had to host our flagship event.

Banff Western Connection cancelled their typically sold out January conference but other organizations such as INMAN decided to move into the virtual space.

With that said, we are excited to present a fully virtual event format where we can come together to learn and network while protecting the health, safety and well-being of our attendees.

In the last few months, we have enjoyed some great success with virtual initiatives like our Broker Summits, CREB® virtual coffee chats, professional development sessions, and even our AGM turned into a great virtual gathering. The success of these events showed us that a virtual Forecast is possible.

Forecast attendees are in for an engaging, educational and fun day on Jan. 26, 2021. Mark it in your calendar as busy and negotiate your other appointments so you can give it your full attention.

We’re using an innovative virtual platform for the day, which allows us to not only bring our keynote speakers and professional development sessions to you, but also a virtual tradeshow, networking opportunities and access to recordings of all the sessions for 30 days.

Like every other year in the past, you can still be among the first to know about the housing market forecast for the year ahead with our Chief Economist Ann-Marie Lurie. We are also excited to bring a speaker line-up designed to inspire and provide concrete tools and ideas to support your success in 2021.

Let’s look forward to January 26 being the day that got 2021 off to a great start!

As I have offered in my previous COVID-19 CREB®Chats, if anyone would like to talk – please don’t hesitate to call or text me. My cell number is 403-461-2987.

- Alan


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