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BOD Meeting Report

Oct 27, 2020

Update from the BOD


From discussions on the Real Estate Act Amendment to the recognition of two outstanding long service members, there was no shortage of action at CREB®’s board of directors meeting on Sept. 16.

Board meeting highlights

Here are some highlights from the Board of Directors Meeting Report – Sept. 16, 2020:

  • Our 50-year long service recipients Ray Pfob and Herb Styles joined the meeting, accompanied by their spouses. The Board congratulated them for their successful careers and contributions to the industry over the last 5 decades. They were presented with plaques and gifts to commemorate this notable occasion.
  • Senior staff support was provided to Pillar 9™ for a short-term, experience recovery focused engagement. That secondment is nearing completion and among many initiatives, a 90-day communication plan is about to be released by the company to the shareholders.
  • COVID-19 operational response: Multifaceted three phase re-entry plan developed balancing staff, organizational and member needs while aligning to public health guidance and the Province of Alberta’s relaunch plan.

Click here to read the full meeting report.

About CREB® BOD meeting reports

In February 2020, the Board of Directors began generative discussions on how to best communicate topics being covered at the board table.

After a detailed review, the Governance Standing Committee made a recommendation to amend the CREB® Governance Manual Policy 2.1.6 Board Meeting Policy to require the posting of a Board meeting report. Now, following each board meeting, a meeting report will be shared with members that summarizes what was discussed.

Click here to view the Board of Directors Meeting Reports page on CREB®Link. 

Click here to view the 2018-2022 Strategic Plan.


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