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coffee chats

Apr 13, 2021

Need a pick-me-up?


Grab a second cuppa joe and perk up with CREB®’s Member Relations Advisor – your one-on-one industry support and guidance specialist.

Meet Sam Randhawa, a member experience guru who has been working at CREB® for over 20 years. Throughout her tenure, she has come to know many of our members and is keen to get to know the rest of you!

With broad and deep organizational knowledge, her goal is to ensure that every member feels supported and heard, especially during these unprecedented times.

One service that Sam provides to our members is the chance to connect virtually over the phone or through Zoom, a popular online video messaging platform.

If you're looking for additional personalized support, we encourage you to reach out to Sam with any questions you may have regarding CREB® or the wider real estate industry. She will lend an ear and help however she can!

Connect with Sam Randhawa by email at or over the phone at 403-781-1370.


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