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Summer houses

Apr 6, 2021

One-day codes


Are you providing direct access for buyers to show themselves around a property without a REALTOR® present? 

This practice is strongly discouraged due to the various rules in place about accompanying buyers to a property, the distribution of one-day codes and the potential liability involved.

Obligation under the Real Estate Act Rules

In providing competent service to their buyers by accompanying them to showings, it is the member’s responsibility to ensure they have proper care and control of the property during the time their buyers are viewing the property.

Showing requirements under the CREB® Rules

The Provincially Harmonized Practice Rule (CREB® Rule Part II 7.02) requires members to accompany all buyers to showings and have a responsibility to secure the property during and after all showings and viewings (CREB® Rule Part II 7.04). To review these rules in full, please visit the CREB® Rules.

Rules around the use of keys

Members are reminded that keys to the property are for the use of real estate professionals cooperating to facilitate transactions.

Allowing members of the public to use keys to access a property carries with it the risk of breaching CREB® Rule Part II 8.01 (a)(d)(e), which could result in a disciplinary hearing.

Compliance with the SentriLock Agreement

All members must adhere to the SentriLock Agreement related to One-Day Codes.

Before providing access codes, members must perform their due diligence in verifying the identity of the person requesting/ using the code before providing that code. Should a one-day code be provided, the member is accountable for anything that may occur when an access code is used to access the property.   


If something happens to the property or an individual while a buyer is unaccompanied at a showing, it could have liability implications for everyone.

We recommend that members review all their insurance policies to understand how providing a one-day code to an unaccompanied buyer may impact coverage.

Please be reminded your Errors and Omissions Insurance does not provide coverage for property damage or bodily injury.

For further questions about one day codes, please contact


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