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Aug 10, 2021

Classroom learning resumes


In-person training is back in session at CREB®!

Included among the in-person offerings available is an orientation on Matrix™, which provides an in-depth overview of the Pillar 9™ Matrix™ MLS® System, including setting up your profile, searching and listing input tools.

CREB®’s three-day Certified Condominium Specialist course is also now being offered in person. The course will cover aspects of buying and selling re-sale, conversion and new condominium sales. It is an accredited course, and once completed, successful attendees will be a “Certified Condominium Specialist” and receive a certificate and logos.  

You can also view any of our past webinars by visiting the webinar recordings page on CREB®Link, and be sure to check CREB®Link for a list of upcoming courses being offered in-person and online.

For questions about education and training, please contact


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