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CT Golf Recap Banner

Aug 10, 2021

Shanks for the memories


With more than 140 attendees taking part, CREB®’s 2021 Golf Tournament was anything but a bogey.

Golfers teed off to enjoy networking and catching up with friends and colleagues at the beautiful Lynx Ridge Golf Club on a spectacular summer day.

CT Golfer Tourney

In addition to having a good time, our generous attendees also contributed nearly $2,500 to the CREB® REALTOR® Community Foundation via mulligan and 50/50 ticket purchases, with the eventual winner taking home more than $1,000.

After a long break from in-person activities, the event was welcomed not only by the golfers that took part, but also by some surprise guests, as a moose and her two calves crashed the sold-out event and settled in for lunch along the course.

CT Golf Tourney Moose 08.10.21

Hungry human guests kept their energy up on the back nine thanks to the ever-popular presence of mini-doughnuts, and the several holes that featured food and beverages.

CT Golf Doughnuts


A big congratulations to all teams and individuals that took home prizes:

  • First place team: Joel Gwillam, Brett Wellman, Jared Gray-Kuwalik, Mitch Chicoine
  • Second place team: Ed Belanger, Marian Schofield, Erich Binner, Tyler Giesbrecht
  • Most honest team: Tom Shearer, Paul Gravelle, Dan Stante, Christine Cusanelli
  • Men’s longest putt: Tyler Gisebretch
  • Women’s longest putt: Kristie Kruger
  • Men’s closest to the barber pole: Bill Fowler
  • Women’s closest to the barber pole: Cathie Queen
  • Men’s closest to the pin: Chris Herbus
  • Women’s closest to the pin: Betty Ellis
  • Water Draw: Erin Pilsner

CREB® would like to thank all our sponsors, along with those in attendance for making the event such a resounding success. Here’s hoping we see you all again next year!

CT Golf Carts


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