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Aug 24, 2021

You're invited!


Get ready for a courageous conversation – CREB®’s Mayoral Forum takes place Sept. 14.

Join us for a unique opportunity to hear what candidates have to say about the political issues that impact the real estate industry. From downtown revitalization to affordable housing and residential tax rates, there is no shortage of hot topics up for discussion around this year’s municipal election.

This complimentary forum is being organized by CREB®’s Political Action Committee (PAC) and will focus on topics that matter most to our members.

Please note, the event will be broadcast on YouTube live and a link will be emailed to you the day before the event.

Questions asked at the forum will be developed based on your input, so let us know what real estate topics you think should be discussed in the registration question field. We will use this input to create questions and guide conversation with the candidates.

CREB® Mayoral Forum - Livestream

Date: Sept. 14, 2021
Time: 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. MT

Click here to register now.


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