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COVID-19 bulletin

Dec 7, 2021

Dec. 7 update


It sure has been a busy year! Even though 2021 is winding down, our commitment to providing members with timely updates about the COVID-19 pandemic remains the same.

On Dec. 1, the Government of Alberta announced that all Albertans aged 60 and older would be able to book appointments for a booster dose of mRNA vaccine six months after receiving their second dose.

Click here to learn more about third doses.

Eligible individuals can now book appointments for third doses online with participating pharmacies by using the Alberta vaccine booking system. Albertans can also call 811, participating pharmacies or participating physicians’ offices.

We will continue to monitor updates from the province over the holidays and provide members with any critical news as it arises.

To access additional information and resources for REALTORS®, please visit the COVID-19 hub on CREB®Link.

For advice on keeping safe during the holidays, please check out the Government of Canada’s website.


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