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CT Realtor Sentiment Banner

Dec 7, 2021

Update on REALTOR® sentiment


How REALTORS® are being portrayed in the news can have a profound impact on public perception of the profession and the real estate industry. This is why we track and monitor media sentiment ratings.

Those sentiment ratings come from Meltwater, an online media monitoring company leveraged by CREB®. Its sentiment ratings are created using an algorithm that applies a positive, negative, or neutral value to media mentions based on the tone of the coverage.

When this feature is used to aggregate local news stories, it allows us to create a useful snapshot of how CREB® REALTORS® are being portrayed in the media and how that sentiment compares to other Canadian regions.

Calgary REALTOR® sentiment data from Q3 2021 and how it compares with the rest of 2021:

  • 2021 Q3: 32% Positive, 68% Neutral, 0% Negative
  • 2021 Q2: 31% Positive, 51% Neutral, 18% Negative
  • 2021 Q1: 60% Positive, 36% Neutral, 4% Negative
  • 2021 YTD: 42% Positive, 51% Neutral, 7% Negative

Calgary REALTOR® sentiment compared with other Canadian regions in Q3 2021:

  • Calgary: 32% Positive, 68% Neutral, 0% Negative
  • Edmonton: 33% Positive, 59% Neutral, 78% Negative
  • Toronto: 14.5% Positive, 76.5% Neutral, 9% Negative
  • Vancouver: 17.3% Positive, 76.5% Neutral, 6.2% Negative
  • Saskatchewan: 33.1% Positive, 64.5% Neutral, 1.6% Negative

Please note, Meltwater’s sentiment ratings are somewhat subjective, based on factors like tone and word choice in a given story, so please keep this in mind when you are viewing the data.

If you have questions about this information, please contact CREB® Communication Services at


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