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Gondek CT Banner updated

Dec 7, 2021

Mayor Gondek, live at Forecast!

Hear Mayor Jyoti Gondek’s vision for the future of Calgary live and in-person at CREB®’s 2022 Forecast!

Following a hotly debated election, Calgary's new mayor will discuss the pressing issues facing our city, particularly in the real estate and housing sector. 

Join us on Jan. 25 to gain insight on the housing and real estate issues that are top of mind for many Calgarians.

Buy Tickets Now 

Buy now, choose later

Still on the fence about whether to attend Forecast in-person or online? We've got you covered!

Buy your in-person ticket today and if you decide later to attend online instead, you have until Jan. 7, 2022 to exchange your ticket and receive a refund for the difference.

Please note, tickets are exchangeable but not fully refundable. If you have questions about exchanging a ticket, please contact

For a detailed list of ticket types, click here.

What's on tap?

The Forecast conference experience includes a deep dive into trends that will shape the housing market in 2022, special keynote presentation, five professional development sessions, industry trade show, and several opportunities to network with like-minded professionals—it's everything you need from a real estate conference.

For more event details or to purchase tickets, visit


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