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CT Volunteer Banner 21.12.06

Dec 7, 2021

Three cheers for our volunteers!


On the heels of International Volunteer Day, we want to acknowledge the passionate and dedicated CREB® volunteers who make a real impact in our industry and the community.

These volunteers include members of our board of directors, committees, and task forces, as well as community volunteers. We are truly grateful for everything they bring to the table – CREB® could not fulfil our mandate without them.

CT Volunteer Thanks 21.12.06

These individuals were recently recognized at our Board Builders reception on Nov. 30.

Volunteer with CREB®

If you are interested in volunteering with CREB®, we have many opportunities available to suit your interests and schedule. To learn more, please visit CREB®Link.

If you are ready to make a real impact, complete our volunteer intake form, or email, and we’ll get in touch with more information about available positions in your area of interest.

For more information on International Volunteer Day, click here. 


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