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Feb 23, 2021

All about community


When listing a property on the MLS® System, please remember to verify the title and community information before it goes live.

CREB® Member Practice has recently noticed some listing agents selecting incorrect communities, or plotting inaccurate map locations, when uploading listings.

Different communities may have different restrictions (such as Restrictive Covenants) or land-use designations and listing a property in the wrong community could be misleading. We understand there can sometimes be confusion when a listing resides near the edge of a community boundary or when a property is in a new community, but it is important to review the listing to ensure the location information is accurate for this reason.

As a reminder, CREB® Rule Part I 4.03 states:

Members must not submit an MLS® listing which is incomplete, inaccurate or includes false and/or misleading information.

It is part of a REALTOR®’s fiduciary responsibility to always review a current copy of the title to ensure all instruments are fully understood. In fact, when uploading listings onto the MLS® System, Pillar 9™ has made it mandatory for members to list any restrictions on title or found in the condominium bylaws using the “Restrictions” field.

Determining community boundaries

There are various tools available to assist members in identifying community boundaries, such as:

  • REMapList™; and
  • Community maps (available through the municipality and online mapping tools, such as Google Maps).

To learn more about how each district is defined in Matrix™ and understand the importance of location information to enhance searchability, please click here.

If you have any additional questions, please contact CREB® Member Practice at or 403-781-1336.

City of Calgary: The Guidebook for Great Communities

To explore this topic further, please join us on March 2 for a complimentary webinar in which the City of Calgary's Guidebook team will:

  • Provide an overview of the Guidebook for Great Communities;
  • Describe the role of the Guidebook in implementing the Municipal Development Plan; and
  • Explain how to apply the Guidebook through the local area planning process.



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