What’s your take on the future of organized real estate in Alberta?
Please complete the One Alberta Membership survey for CREB® members and share what matters to you and your business regarding the current and future provincial real estate landscape.
This is not decision-making time, but we do need your input. Organized real estate is poised for change and we need to get it right so you can get maximum value for your business long term.
The key to our success is you. To confidently shape our future direction based on your needs and expectations, we need as many CREB® members as possible to participate.
The survey closes Tuesday, Feb. 16, 2021.
As a thank you for your time and feedback, we will be giving away coffee gift cards to 100 random survey participants. All responses are anonymous and confidential.
So, the only question is . . . will you help us define the future?
Take the One Alberta Membership Survey now.
For more information about One Alberta Membership, please click here to read the email that was sent to all CREB® members last week.