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We hear you

Jan 19, 2021

Driving change


Thank you to everyone who took the time to complete CREB®’s Pillar 9™ Satisfaction Survey.

There were challenges on the road to migrating nine boards into a single-point MLS® System and we are committed to getting it right. Gathering you feedback was the first step to doing just that.

In total, 1,536 CREB® members took the satisfaction survey, providing us with detailed feedback and a rich source of suggested future improvements. This is a strong response rate and gives us confidence in the results below:

Overall satisfaction:

CREB®’s results show satisfaction is mostly split between satisfied and somewhat indifferent, with the balance being dissatisfied:

  • 39% (very satisfied, satisfied)
  • 38% (somewhat satisfied, neither satisfied nor dissatisfied, somewhat dissatisfied)
  • 23% (dissatisfied, very dissatisfied)

The migration to Pillar 9™ changed the way our members create and manage listings, a core aspect of the MLS® System, so it is not surprising to see some frustration, nor is it uncommon for satisfaction to be lower when a new system is implemented.

Moving forward, we will amplify communication and education to add further value for our members.

Top trends:

We received an abundance of insightful member feedback, with a popular opinion stating that Help Desk continues to be a valuable support service. The following trends also emerged:

  • Concerns with how the search works and the results it yields.
  • Input and edit process simplification needed including:
  • More functional rooms data entry.
  • More meaningful and relevant options for use of architectural style and levels.
  • Enhancements to photo uploading and ordering.
  • Displaying only those fields for input that are relevant to the property type.
  • Concerns with report printing and the ask to minimize the number of pages printed.
  • Improve CMA creation.
  • Concerns with auto notification emails and the client portal.

Combined survey results:

It is imperative that Pillar 9™ receives feedback not only from CREB® members, but from all Alberta REALTORS® who use their system.

To see the bigger picture, a similar satisfaction survey was sent to all other Pillar 9™ subscribers. Pillar 9™ will use the combined results of both surveys to help guide meaningful change that will improve the MLS® System for all Pillar 9™ subscribers.

CREB® will continue to advocate on behalf of our members and push for enhancements to the Pillar 9™ MLS® System and Input Tool based on these key trends. Rest assured, we remain committed to getting this right.


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