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ROTY nomination

Jan 26, 2021

REALTOR® rock stars


Nominations are now open for our next REALTOR® of the Year!

The past year has been challenging, but even in tough times, our members are still accomplishing amazing things.

If you know a CREB® REALTOR® who:

  • Is a true person of character who always demonstrates integrity and humanity within our membership and community;
  • Contributes to the greater community through volunteerism and charity;
  • Is actively involved in CREB® or other real estate boards and associations; and
  • Has a minimum of five continuous years of membership with CREB®; then


Nominating a REALTOR® is as easy as 1 – 2 – 3:

  1. Visit to access the nomination form.
  2. Select a seconder for the nomination (they must be from a different brokerage than the nominator).
  3. Provide a brief synopsis of why this nominee should be considered and “Submit”.

For more information and the detailed list of award criteria, click here or contact Glenna Roth, Volunteer & Leadership Coordinator, at or 403-781-5453.

About the award

The REALTOR® of the Year (also known as the T.W.H. (Bill) Saunders Memorial Award) is one of the most prestigious accolades a member can achieve. It is presented to CREB® REALTORS® who exemplify high standards of professionalism, leadership and outstanding dedication to the community. The award is once in a lifetime honour and is only presented when a truly deserving candidate is nominated.

Thomas William Henry Saunders

Thomas William Henry Saunders (1903 -1977), known to all as simply "Bill", was an outstanding CREB® member who inspired many with his professional excellence and contributions to the community. After his passing, the board of directors created an award in his memory to continue inspiring real estate professionals to be the best they can be, giving back to both the industry and the greater community.


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Do you know any local charities or non-profits who can benefit from the $590,000 in grants that the CREB® REALTOR® Community Foundation is awarding this year?

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