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COVID-19 bulletin

Jul 20, 2021

July 20 update


This week’s bulletin includes updated disclosure forms, an overview of CREB®’s new normal and schedule changes to our weekly COVID-19 bulletin.

Updated COVID-19 disclosure forms

To assist with the disclosure of relevant health information related to COVID-19, disclosure forms for REALTORS® are available on CREB®Link.

These forms are optional but have recently been updated. If you are using previously saved or pre-printed forms, please ensure you are using the most recent version dated July 14, 2021. These forms can still be used in conjunction with other COVID forms and guides.

For questions about the COVID-19 disclosure forms, please contact CREB® Member Practice at

CREB®’s new normal

CREB® has resumed in-person business services in alignment with Alberta’s Open for Summer Plan. With our final re-entry stage now complete, we are excited to continue providing members with the essential resources needed to succeed through our new daily routines and business environment.

Member and staff safety

The safety and well-being of our members and staff remains our top priority. For the time being, the following safety precautions will continue at CREB®:

  • Masks or face coverings are now optional although we encourage anyone who wishes to wear a mask while in the building to do so;
  • Physical distancing is encouraged;
  • Access to CREB® is not permitted if you are experiencing symptoms of illness;
  • Members attending the building for education or meetings will be required to check in at the Member Services Centre (MSC) and encouraged to limit access to the space established for the class or meeting;
  • Hand sanitizing stations will continue to be available throughout the building; and
  • Roma Café will remain closed for the time being.

Board and committee meetings

Board and committee meetings may once again be scheduled in-person at the CREB® building. Virtual, in-person and hybrid options are available and will be determined at the discretion of each group.

Education offerings and events

Our education and events teams are beginning to re-schedule appropriately sized in-person learning opportunities and events when possible. These opportunities will be communicated to members once they become available.

CREB®’s COVID-19 bulletins

Over the past 15 months, CREB® has worked to deliver timely and important news regarding the COVID-19 pandemic and industry updates to our staff and members.

Since the province has moved into Stage 3 of Alberta’s Open for Summer Plan, and many business operations have resumed with a degree of normalcy, CREB®’s COVID-19 bulletins will now be distributed on an as-needed basis.

We will continue to closely monitor news regarding COVID-19 and remain committed to providing our staff and members with any new and relevant information as it becomes available.

If you have any feedback or comments you would like to share about CREB®’s COVID-19 communications, click here to take our short survey.

To access additional information and resources for REALTORS®, please visit the COVID-19 hub on CREB®Link.



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