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2021 Homespace Legacy Grant CT

Jul 6, 2021

REALTORS® invest in affordable housing


On behalf of Calgary-and-area REALTORS®, CREB® REALTOR® Community Foundation is proud to announce HomeSpace Society as the recipient of the 2021 Legacy Grant.

HomeSpace, a non-profit real estate developer and property manager, will receive $300,000 to help fund its $28.5-million project to convert Sierra Place, a downtown office tower, into affordable housing units. The project is also one of the first major efforts to bring residents back to the downtown core under the City of Calgary’s new Greater Downtown Plan.

“This investment from CREB® REALTOR® Community Foundation will not only help create affordable homes but also dignity, safety and an opportunity to thrive for nearly 200 Calgarians in need,” said Bernadette Majdell, CEO of HomeSpace Society. “The Sierra Place project will also bring vibrancy and economic stimulation to Calgary’s struggling downtown core.”

The wide-ranging benefits associated with affordable housing are one reason why the Legacy Grant, which is designed to create new housing and shelter options in the local community, is the Foundation’s signature funding stream.

Our grant programs, and this legacy partnership with HomeSpace Society, strengthen the REALTOR® brand and show how REALTORS® are making a difference in the community.

Each year, the Foundation awards funds through three grant streams, which focus on creating new housing, keeping people housed and improving housing quality.

The Legacy Grant is complemented by two additional grant streams, the Community Grant and the Transformation Grant, which will start accepting funding applications from non-profits in September.

More information about the Foundation’s grant programs is available here. For more information about HomeSpace Society’s Sierra Place project, click here.


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