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Community Foundation grants

Jul 20, 2021

Making an impact


On behalf of Calgary-and-area REALTORS®, CREB® REALTOR® Community Foundation granted $65,000 to six local non-profit organizations in 2020.

With this funding, awarded through the foundation’s Community and Transformation Grant programs, the recipient organizations were able to make several upgrades to improve the lives of those in need.

Details on the impact of the grants can be read below. 

Community Grants:

  • Calgary Women's Emergency Shelter: CREB®’s donation was designated to the shelter’s crisis intervention services, which work to keep women and their families safely housed throughout their journey to a life free from violence and abuse.
  • Emma Maternity House Society: Emma House used its grant funding to safely transition five moms and babies into their community, while ensuring the health and safety of those already in place. Emma House is also weighing options for additional renovation projects.
  • Discovery House Family Violence Prevention Society: CREB®’s support has helped enable continuous maintenance for Discovery House’s facility, including the installation of window film for much-needed privacy on the main floor, replacement of failing railings and toilets, and painting suites.

Transformation Grants:

  • Habitat for Humanity Southern Alberta: With their grant funding, Habitat was able to refurbish seven homes, most of which have already welcomed new families. Work on the homes included repainting, siding repair, new flooring and new appliances.
  • Inn from the ColdCREB®’s partnership this past year has played an important role in helping to protect the children, families and staff at Inn from the Cold. The contribution made it possible to install plexiglass at their front reception desk to make their check-in process safer during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Kids Cancer Care Foundation of Alberta: By completing much-needed repairs to various facilities at Camp Kindle, Kids Cancer Care used their donation to help provide magical camp experiences for children and families coping with cancer.
For more information on CREB® REALTOR® Community Foundation's grant programs, click here. 


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Do you know any local charities or non-profits who can benefit from the $590,000 in grants that the CREB® REALTOR® Community Foundation is awarding this year?

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