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golf tournament banner 2021

Jun 22, 2021

It's on!


A little birdie told us that registration for CREB®’s 2021 golf tournament is now open!

Tee up and enjoy a day on the course with fellow real estate professionals over some friendly competition at the beautiful Lynx Ridge Golf Club.

The Texas Scramble format means players of all skill levels will enjoy the course rookies and pros alike.


CREB®’s 2021 Golf Tournament

Date: Wednesday, July 28, 2021.

Time: Breakfast is at 7 a.m. with an 8 a.m. shotgun start.

Price: Registration is $169 per golfer and includes green fees, cart, breakfast, lunch, a swag bag and a chance to win some amazing prizes.

Location: The beautiful Lynx Ridge Golf Club

For more information, click here.

Safety protocols

Please be advised the safety of our members and staff remains our top priority and all attendees will be required to follow government mandated restrictions and recommendations at the time of the event. Specific details around meals and prize allocation are dependant on government restrictions and will be finalized closer to the event date.

Although this event may look a little different, we promise to deliver an un-FORE-gettable day of golf, friends, food and prizes!

If you have any questions about the event, please contact


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