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COVID-19 bulletin

Jun 22, 2021

June 22 update


This week’s bulletin provides insight into CREB®’s re-opening plan, plus an important update on second dose vaccinations.

Open for summer

As Alberta enters Stage 3 of its Open for Summer plan on July 1, CREB® will begin to resume normal business operations.

According to the province’s plan, the following guidelines will come into affect on July 1, 2021:

  • All restrictions lifted, including ban on indoor social gatherings.
  • Isolation requirements for confirmed cases of COVID-19 and some protective measures in continuing care settings remain.
  • The general indoor provincial mask mandate will be lifted, but masking may still be required in limited and specific settings.

To read the full update, click here.

CREB®’s new normal

CREB® will begin to shift to a normalized state on July 2.

With the safety and well-being of our members and staff being paramount throughout this change, the following safety precautions will remain in effect at CREB®:

  • Masks or face coverings continue to be mandatory;
  • Physical distancing is encouraged;
  • Access to CREB® is not permitted if you are experiencing symptoms of illness;
  • Signage directing traffic flow throughout the building remains in place;
  • Members attending the building for education or meetings will be required to check in at the Member Services Centre (MSC) and encouraged to limit access to the space established for the class or meeting;
  • Hand sanitizing stations will continue to be available throughout the building; and
  • Roma Café will remain closed for the time being.

During Stage 3, the following building restrictions will be eased:

  • The student doors will be unlocked; and
  • Bathrooms will be available for member use.

Board and committee meetings

Board and committee meetings may once again be scheduled in-person at the CREB® building. Virtual, in-person and hybrid options are available and will be determined at the discretion of each group.

Education offerings and events

Our education and events teams will begin to re-schedule appropriately sized in-person learning opportunities and events when possible.

Keep an eye out for announcements over the coming weeks and months as new in-person services offerings are added back into CREB®’s daily operations.

Calgary’s masking bylaw

Calgary City Council has determined that the mandatory masking bylaw will remain in effect for the city until at least July 5 and Calgarians will be required to continue to wear masks in indoor public spaces until then. The discussion will continue on July 5 when City Council reconvenes to determine how long the bylaw will continue to be in place.

For more information on the COVID-19 Face Coverings Bylaw, click here.

COVID-19 vaccine update

Second dose COVID-19 vaccines are now available for all Albertans ages 12 and up. Remember, all working Albertans are eligible to receive three hours of paid, job-protected leave to get each dose of the vaccine.

For more information and to book your shot, click here.

COVID-19 communication feedback

At CREB®, we are constantly striving to provide our members with the information, tools and resources needed to succeed, and we want to know how helpful you find our COVID-19 communication.

Click here to take our short survey.

CREB® is closely monitoring news regarding COVID-19 and is committed to providing our members with the most up-to-date and relevant information.

To access additional information and resources for REALTORS®, please visit the COVID-19 hub on CREB®Link.


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