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COVID-19 bulletin

Jun 29, 2021

June 29 update


As the province transitions into Stage 3 of Alberta’s Open for Summer Plan, this week’s bulletin includes safety precaution reminders from AREA and CREB®.

An update from AREA: Open for Summer in Real Estate

Stage 3 of Alberta’s Open for Summer Plan begins on July 1 and provincial restrictions on indoor activities will be lifted, including the general indoor provincial mask mandate (although masking may still be required in specific settings and municipalities).

In light of these upcoming changes, AREA sent out a notice last week, reminding members to keep the following in mind:

  • Mask mandates are instituted as municipal bylaws, and therefore may not be lifted on the same dates. Please research local mask bylaws where you operate.
  • Clients may continue to impose additional restrictions on showings or open houses, including limiting the number of people in the residence at one time or using COVID-19 pre-screening questionnaires. Only proceed with protocols that have been approved by your client and continue to do your due diligence in checking private remarks or ShowingTime instructions of listings when booking showings to avoid conflicts.
  • Seek advice from your broker to determine the brokerage policy around the continued usage of Hold Harmless Agreements, as they continue to offer protection from liability for members and their brokerages. 
  • If your client would like to proceed with open houses but you, as a REALTOR®, are not comfortable hosting them, consider soliciting assistance from a peer in your brokerage who is comfortable with offering this service.

Any questions about this announcement can be directed to

CREB®’s new normal

In alignment with provincial re-opening policies, CREB® will begin to resume normal business operations on July 2.

The safety and well-being of our members and staff remains our top priority throughout this transition and the following safety precautions will continue at CREB®:

  • Masks or face coverings continue to be mandatory;
  • Physical distancing is encouraged;
  • Access to CREB® is not permitted if you are experiencing symptoms of illness;
  • Signage directing traffic flow throughout the building remains in place;
  • Members attending the building for education or meetings will be required to check in at the Member Services Centre (MSC) and encouraged to limit access to the space established for the class or meeting;
  • Hand sanitizing stations will continue to be available throughout the building; and
  • Roma Café will remain closed for the time being.

For more information on CREB®’s upcoming changes, please click here.

Calgary’s masking bylaw

Calgary City Council has determined that the mandatory masking bylaw will remain in effect for the city until at least July 5 and Calgarians will be required to continue to wear masks in indoor public spaces until then. The discussion will continue July 5 when council reconvenes to determine how long the bylaw will continue to be in place.

For more information on the COVID-19 Face Coverings Bylaw, click here.

COVID-19 communication feedback

At CREB®, we are constantly striving to provide our members with the information, tools and resources needed to succeed, and we want to know how helpful you find our COVID-19 communication.

Click here to take our short survey.

CREB® is closely monitoring news regarding COVID-19 and is committed to providing our members with the most up-to-date and relevant information.

To access additional information and resources for REALTORS®, please visit the COVID-19 hub on CREB®Link.


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