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COVID-19 bulletin

Mar 2, 2021

March 2 Update


Alberta has cautiously moved to Step 2 of its four-step framework to ease restrictions, while maintaining strong measures to limit the spread of COVID-19 provincewide. 

Targeted COVID-19 restrictions ease under Step 2 

Effective immediately, updated health measures are in place for indoor fitness and libraries, as pressure eases on the health system and hospitalizations remain well below 450. 

Health officials continue to closely monitor the spread of COVID-19. As a cautionary measure, changes to current restrictions for retail, children’s sports, and hotels, banquets, community halls and conference centres have been delayed. 

Please be reminded that all other restrictions remain in effect, and indoor masking and distancing requirements will stay in place throughout the entire stepped approach. 

Operations at CREB® 

Alberta’s move to Step 2 will not impact our current business operations at CREB®

To align with restrictions for professional services, a limited number of staff will be working from the office building and access to the Member Services Centre will continue by appointment only. To learn more and book an appointment, please call 403-781-5454. 

We will continue to follow Alberta’s Path Forward closely and provide further updates as they become available. 

Open houses and showings 

The temporary ban on open houses remains in place for the time being and showings must continue to be conducted by appointment only and limited to two family-unit members at a time. 

AREA has advised that any decisions to ease these restrictions will align with changes to the government guidelines and will be communicated to the membership as soon as possible.  

To read more about AREA’s in-person open house ban, click here

For more information, visit our COVID-19 FAQs page. 

CREB® is closely monitoring news regarding COVID-19 and is committed to providing our members with the most up-to-date and relevant information. 

To access additional information and resources for REALTORS®, please visit the COVID-19 hub on CREB®Link. 


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