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strategic plan

Mar 23, 2021

Hindsight on 2020


CREB®’s top priority is delivering member value and our strategic plan was built around this purpose.

It was not business as usual in 2020 for our members or our business operations at CREB®. During this unprecedented time, our top priority is the health and safety of our staff and members. This is the baseline from which all other decisions are made at CREB®.

Through strong commitment to member success, as well as the talent of our people, we were able to drive goal achievement while shifting delivery of our member services to a virtual environment.

CREB®’s Board of Directors is pleased to report on our achievements from 2020. Here are a few notable outcomes:

  • Shifted speaker series to a virtual format, offering 32 complimentary webinar speaker sessions with over 2,900 registrants.
  • Migrated CREB® MLS® System to Pillar 9™, resulting in monthly fee reduction for members. Focus shift to advocate for system change and enhancements.
  • 32 low-income, working families housed by Habitat for Humanity Southern Alberta with the assistance of the CREB® REALTOR® Community Foundation.
  • 2020 Operating budget restated an unprecedented two times in response to COVID-19 impacts. Emphasis on expense control contributed to a modest year-end surplus.
  • Nimble response throughout 2020 to the rapidly evolving public health landscape and government restrictions, all focused on maintaining service levels throughout in a safe and intentional manner. 

There’s no doubt 2020 was an unexpected year that tested us in many ways. However, it also provided a unique opportunity to adapt our service delivery, stay connected and continue to meet member needs in innovative ways.

It takes a village, and with the combined efforts of our BOD, staff and members, we were able to make it through a challenging year.

We miss you and look forward to seeing you again.

About CREB®’s strategic plan

The foundation for CREB®’s success is our comprehensive strategic plan, which established priorities that have guided our organizational decision-making and investments since 2018.

In each year set out in this plan, CREB®’s Board of Directors and management team come together to review plan progress, refresh our environmental scan and determine whether changes to our strategy are required. In 2020, work to deliver a provincial MLS® System and emerging dialogue on One Alberta Membership motivated the decision to extend our plan.

The time is now to build a new plan, and CREB®’s Board of Directors and staff leadership team will come together in May to do just that.

Stay tuned for more information. 


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