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May 25, 2021

Support for members in need


A life-threatening illness can strike at any age or time during a REALTOR®’s career.

The Critical Illness Benefit Society (CIBS) is here to help by offering a one-time, tax-free benefit of $12,500 to CREB® members who are facing hardships associated with medical costs due to a life-threatening illness.

This leading-edge critical illness benefit program is the only one of its kind in North America. To date, it has supported over 260 CREB® members, providing more than $3.1 million in critical need benefits.

The claims process is easy and confidential. If you or one of your colleagues has been diagnosed with a with a life-threatening illness, please review the CIBS brochure and contact Sam Randhawa, CREB® Member Relations Advisor, at for more information.

Did you know?

During the Critical Illness Benefit Society's Annual General Meeting in April, the motion was carried to increase the claim submission time for members.

Now, CIBS claims can be made within two years from the date of diagnosis instead of one year, providing additional time for members to prepare and apply for the CIBS benefit.

Click here to read more about CIBS’ proposed bylaw that was passed. 

To learn more about CIBS, please visit CREB®Link.


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